Smoke Detectors
A Smoke Detector can easily be most common and inexpensive sensor used to trigger a fire alarm. It is easy to install and requires little mainaenance. A small household can make use of battery-powered detectors with built-in alarms, but large commercial buildings can power them from the main power grid and integrate them with Fire Alarm Control Panels into a larger more sophisticated fire alarm system. there are two types of smoke detectors: Photoelectric and Ionization detectors. Our technicians at Security Engineers are specialists who have intimate knowlege of the most current technologies available on the market. We can visit your property and design a comprehensive Fire Protection System that fits both your project and your budget. Call us to schedule a free evaluation 800-540-2140. We can design, install, upgrade and test your fire alarm system. Browse some of the gear we work with below.
120VAC and 120VAC/9VDC photoelectric smoke alarm. Features a warning signal for low or missing battery. Applications include homes and apartments, as well as hospitals, hotels and nursing homes per UL 217, applicable IBC/IFC Standards and NFPA 72, Chapter 2.
The D323A Analog Photoelectric Smoke Detector Head is an addressable device used in the analog polling circuit of the Bosch Security Systems' D8024 and D10024A Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs). The D323A detects dense smoke typically given off by plastic, foam, paper, wood, and other materials that tend to smolder. It can detect fast-flaming fires.
The D324A Analog Ionization Smoke Detector Head is an addressable device used in the analog polling circuit of the Bosch Security Systems' D8024 and D10024A Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs) with either a D321A or D336A Analog Detector Base. Use it in applications involving extreme humidity, high temperature, and vibration. It reacts best to small particulate-type smoke (flare fires) and can also detect certain invisible products (flue gases).
Heat Detectors
A Heat Detector is a small inexpensive device similar to a Smoke Detector. It is used best in places a smoke detector may not fare as well such as in a kitchen. Heat Detectors can be used by themselves in a small home or integrated with other devices such as Fire Alarm Control Panels and Pull Stations in large commercial buildings. There are two types of Heat Detectors: Rate-of-Rise and Fixed temperature detectors. Our technicians at Security Engineers are specialists who have intimate knowlege of the most current technologies available on the market. We can visit your property and design a comprehensive Fire Protection System that fits both your project and your budget. Call us to schedule a free evaluation 800-540-2140. We can design, install, upgrade and test your fire alarm system. Browse some of the gear we work with below.
The 400 Series thermal rate-of-rise with fixed heat detector contains a unique dual thermistor heat sensing circuit to provide maximum performance and solid state reliability. The Model 5451 is designed to initiate an alarm at 135°F and to respond to a temperature increase in excess of 15° per minute. This enables the heat detector to communicate an alarm to the central control panel prior to reaching the static set point for these high rates of rise, providing a timely response to both rapid and slow temperature increases. This model should be used in applications where rapid response is desired and where rapid temperature increases would only be caused by a fire emergency.
Signature Series Model GSA-HFS and GSA-HRS Intelligent Heat Detectors gather analog information from their fixed temperature and/or rate-of-rise heat sensing elements and converts it into digital signals. The detector's on-board microprocessor measures and analyzes these signals. It compares the information to historical readings and time patterns to make an alarm decision. Digital filters remove signal patterns that are not typical of fires. Unwanted alarms are virtually eliminated. The microprocessor in each detector provides four additional benefits - Self-diagnostics and History Log, Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast, Stable Communication.
EC Series low-profile plug-in heat detectors measure-up to the quality and performance standards that have made GE Security fire detection products the industry's best price-performance buy available today. Meticulously engineered to deliver high-performance features, superb reliability, and unbeatable quality, EC Series heat detectors are a low-cost solution for electronic conventional heat detection applications. The EC20RRU-3 also has an alarm threshold of 135° F (58° C), but it incorporates an advanced rate compensation sensing element that causes the detector to become more sensitive when an increase in the rate of temperature rise is detected.
Fire Alarm Control Panels
Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs) integrate with your sensors such as Smoke Detectors and other peripherals such as pull stations. In the event of a fire, the FACP will receive an emergency signal from a sensor, evaluate it as a legitimate or false alarm and then make a programmed response. There are two types of Control Panels: read more about Conventional FACPs and Addressable FACPs. Our technicians at Security Engineers are specialists who have intimate knowledge of the most current technologies available on the market. We can visit your property and design a comprehensive Fire Protection System that fits both your project and your budget. Call us to schedule a free evaluation 800-540-2140. We can design, install, upgrade and test your fire alarm system. Browse some of the gear we work with below.
Conventional Control Panels
Conventional Control Panels monitor only a handful of "zones" with multiple sensors connected to each zone. In the event of a fire, the FACP will trigger the alarm devices connected to it, but the origin of the fire can only be narrowed down to the zone on which an input device was triggered. Control Panels also have other features depending on their model and manufacturer.he quicklinks dropdown menus, and skip this screen.
The MS-2 is compatible with the new I3 smoke detectors from System Sensor, and provide such advanced features as drift compensation, maintenance alert, and freeze warning. Automatic synchronization of audio/visual devices is provided, using manufacturer protocol for System Sensor, Wheelock and Gentex appliances. The NAC protocol includes the ability to silence audible devices while strobes continue to flash, using only a single pair of wires. The MS-2 also is compatible with conventional input devices such as two- and four-wire smoke detectors, pull stations, waterflow devices, tamper switches and other normally- open contact devices.
The SK-2 and SK-2E (SK-2/E) are two zone conventional fire alarm control panels (FACPs) that bring the latest in microprocessor technology to conventional fire controls. The SK-2 is a 120 VAC FACP and the SK-2E is a 240 VAC FACP. These FACPs provide reliable fire signaling protection for small- to medium-sized commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings.
Addressable Control Panels
Addressable Control Panels use addressing protocols to monitor all input devices individually or in a small group. In the event of a fire, the addressable FACP will also trigger the alarm, but you will have the advantage of knowing exactly which device triggered the alarm and pinpoint the troubled area.
The Fire-Lite MS-9600 is a compact, cost-effective, intelligent addressable fire alarm control panel with a capacity of 318 addressable Fire-Lite devices on one Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) or a total of 636 addressable points with an optional second loop (SLC-2). An optional 14.4K Baud modem (DACT-UD) is available for remote site upload/download and/ or remote monitoring. The panel uses surface-mount technology and is designed for ease of installation, programming, and maintenance. It features the latest in advanced fire protection technology, including maintenance alert and automatic detector test functions.
The IntelliKnight Model 5808 is a 127 point class leading single loop addressable fire alarm control/communicator system that provides you with the revolutionary value and performance of addressable sensing technology combined with exclusive, built-in digital communication, distributed intelligent power, and easy to use interface. The basic IntelliKnight 5808 system can be enhanced by adding modules such as the Model 5860 Remote Annunciator, the Model 5824 Serial/Parallel Interface (for printing system reports), and an Intelligent Power Module.
Pull Stations
Manual Pull Stations are wall-mounted devices that trigger an alarm when a person activates them. They are often used in conjunction with Fire Alarm Control Panels and Smoke Detectors as part of a complete fire alarm system. Conventional Pull Stations can be paired up with Conventional FACP's and Addressable Pull Stations with Addressable FACP's. Our technicians at Security Engineers are specialists who have intimate knowlege of the most current technologies available on the market. We can visit your property and design a comprehensive Fire Protection System that fits both your project and your budget. Call us to schedule a free evaluation 800-540-2140. We can design, install, upgrade and test your fire alarm system. Browse some of the gear we work with below.
The Fire-Lite BG-12 Series is a cost-effective, feature-packed, non-coded series of manual fire alarm pull stations. It was designed to meet multiple applications with the installer and end-user in mind. The BG-12 Series features a variety of models including single- and dual-action versions.
Ademco's manual fire alarm stations are designed to be non-code single action devices for use in UL listed fire alarm applications. The attractive die-cast alluminum-alloy housing meets ADA pull requirements and has been tested at Underwriter's Laboratory.